Upon boot-up, ttylinux provides 6 text consoles for login. There is one initial user account: root, the administrator account, with password password.
The syslogd and klog daemons are running and logging kernel and system messages to the file /var/log/messages.
The available text editor is vi; invoke it by typing vi /path/to/filename. This version of vi is a minimal version provided by busybox. Documentation and help for using vi is available in many places on the web.
For manipulation of users, groups and passwords, the tools adduser, addgroup, deluser, delgroup and passwd are present.
If you have not changed the timezone and keyboard settings as outlined in the customization section, section 3.3 above, ttylinux will use its default settings. The default timezone is UTC, the default keyboard mapping is for a US keyboard.
The inetd super-server and the dropbear SSH server are running by default. A telnet server will be forked by inetd when a telnet connection comes in.
ttylinux includes a basic packet filtering firewall which is enabled by default on the dialup interface. Note that the telnet server is not visible from the external side of the dialup interface in the default firewall configuration.